Our Stories

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Perfection in plastic surgery is only just good enough: Sir William Manchester
The Kiwi trailblazer plastic surgeon who returned home after WWII and established plastic surgery in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Latest & New
Colon cancer and courage: Dai Henwood
A new book is part memoir and part masterclass in finding hope and joy in the face of unthinkable challenges.
Dr David Becroft: Children’s Health Advocate
Dr David Becroft was an influential, and at times controversial, advocate for children’s health.
Reconstructing Lives
Crises, calamity, and the crucial role of Kiwi innovation: leading the world in the development of plastic surgery through the 20th Century.
Nurse Rene Shadbolt
A nurse who felt it was her duty to help people no matter the political consequences
Sports Health
Jimmy Laurenson
Community doctor, avid tennis player
Our Stories
Cornwall Park Hospital  -  Love, Loss and Healing:  Part Four
A timeline of Cornwall Park
Our Stories
Cornwall Park Hospital  -  Love, Loss and Healing:  Part Three
Cornwall Hospital
Ettie Rout: Sexual Health Pioneer
Shunned in New Zealand during the First World War, Ettie Rout was celebrated in France for her work.
Your Place
Cornwall Park Hospital  -  Love, Loss and Healing:  Part Two
The United States Army 39th General Hospital
Sports Health
The introduction of (some) European sports to Aotearoa New Zealand: Part 2
Tennis, football, and netball.
Sports Health
The introduction of (some) European sports to Aotearoa New Zealand: Part 1
Cycling, cricket, and rugby union.
Epidemics Aotearoa
A Ten-Year-Old's Memories of the Influenza Pandemic
The memories of Carswell Burt, who contracted the 'flu in 1919.
Our Stories
Memories of Cornwall Park Hospital - Part Three
Part three of memories collected from former staff of Cornwall Park's hospitals: the doctors.
Maternal Health
The daily routine of a junior nurse at Cornwall Park’s National Women’s Hospital in 1963
The (slightly edited) memories of Karen Andersen Yates.
Sports Health
Women in sport - a photographic exhibition
An exhibition of women participating in our country's national pastime of sport through a selection of black and white photographs.
Our Stories
Memories of Cornwall Park Hospital - Part Two
Part two of memories collected from former staff of Cornwall Park's hospitals: the facilities.
Maternal Health
Memories of Cornwall Park Hospital – Part One
Part one of memories collected from former staff of Cornwall Park's hospitals: maternal care and cancer treatment.
Your Place
Cornwall Park Hospital  -  Love, Loss and Healing:  Part One
An introduction to the three hospitals that found their homes at Cornwall Park.
Your Place
Coromandel Museum
Something to add to your holiday plans when visiting the peninsula
Our Stories
Frederick Watson
Community doctor, public health advocate, award winning Jersey cow breeder.
Professor Sir Graham (Mont) Liggins
Milestones in foetal lung development and prenatal medicine.
Epidemics Aotearoa
Auckland Hospital and the 1918 Influenza Epidemic
How Auckland Hospital coped with influenza cases.
Our Stories
Taihape Hospital at Christmas
Some historic moments of the communities around Taihape coming together at Christmas to support patients in hospital.
Epidemics Aotearoa
Frontline Pharmacists: Navigating Unprecedented Challenges Amid the Pandemic
The experiences and resilience of a pharmacist during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our Stories
Some history from Palmerston North Hospital: 130 years on
A few milestones to mark the 130th anniversary of Palmerston North Hospital.
Your Place
Wairoa Museum
Self-described as 'a museum without walls', a living entity linking people, history and place
Your Place
The Elms | Te Papa Tauranga
A pā, a mission station, and a legacy to the people of Tauranga.
Your Place
Paeroa Museum - more to see than just L&P
A small museum with an eclectic collection
Your Place
Te Aroha & District Museum
When you’re in Te Aroha, treat yourself a bottle of Lemon and Te Aroha (a drink that predates Lemon & Paeroa)!
Our Stories
The Journey to the Library
A short history of Dr Thomas Moore Philson.
Your Place
A visit to Whangārei Medical Museum
Open Wednesdays, the museum is part of the Kiwi North Heritage Park.
Climate & Health
Strikes over climate becoming part of museum collections
How climate strikes are leaving their mark on the collection at our national museum.
Your Place
Te Rau Aroha Museum of the Price of Citizenship
How medical histories interweave into an exhibition about commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi and military service
Our Stories
'Things That Matter'
One theatre-goer's experience watching a play about the public health system.
The history of lobotomy
The history of lobotomy and what almost was: how Janet Frame’s first literary prize prevented her undergoing this now banned procedure.
Your Place
Papakura Museum - go and visit, Auckland!
How filling time between flights has convinced a curator why everyone in Papakura should visit this museum.
Your Place
Founders Heritage Park - a must do on your next visit to Nelson
A recent visit made a curator wish she had longer in Nelson.
Sound & Vision
Photo Gallery: Captain Harding Leaf's first aid kit
Explore the contents of Captain Leaf's first aid kit.
Your Place
Bulls Museum: an unbelieva-bull hidden medical collection
A museum hidden in a town filled with bovine-related puns, Bulls Museum is worth a visit.
Your Place
Visiting Taihape Museum
Read why a visit to Taihape Museum should be on everyone's to-do list.
Brave Hearts
Heart Surgery in New Zealand: The Dramatic Evolution of a Lifesaving Specialty (Part 3)
The history of heart surgery in New Zealand (part 3).
Brave Hearts
Heart Surgery in New Zealand: The Dramatic Evolution of a Lifesaving Specialty (Part 2)
The history of heart surgery in New Zealand (part 2).
Brave Hearts
Heart Surgery in New Zealand: The Dramatic Evolution of a Lifesaving Specialty (Part 1)
The history of heart surgery in New Zealand (part 1).
Your Place
Reflections at Waikato Health Memorabilia Trust
A glimpse at the history of the Waikato DHB through the eyes of a curator.
Your Place
The Death Ship: A Fateful Voyage - reflections on a visit to the National Army Museum Te Mata Toa
A blog about the exhibition The Death Ship and a curator's visit to the Army Museum.
Epidemics Aotearoa
Facing the camera
A mother and daughter duo fronted a vaccination campaign to help protect pregnant mums.
Cache of curiosities
If I only had a heart
This big hearted elephant had a fatty problem.
Our Stories
Ground hog days
A photographer finds beauty in the every day during Auckland's lockdowns.
Do your job – get a swab!
A trailblazing student helped rally her community when Covid appeared at her school.
Epidemics Aotearoa
Art imitates Covid life
Artist Bryony Matthew used art to help her adapt to lockdown life in 2021.
Parallels to the past
Just like my Poppa
Learning from the Spanish Flu – one family's story of pandemic loss, a hundred years ago.
Our Pandemic
864,000 seconds
What's life been like for teenagers during our pandemic? A Covid-19 poem.
Epidemics Aotearoa
The tragic tale of Aotearoa's orphans
The Spanish Flu killed many young parents who left children behind them.
Our Stories
Christmas Memories
Nurses Heather Spinetto and Jocelyn Peach recall special Christmas memories and shared camaraderie on the ward, with staff working hard to create Christmas magic for their patients, including families and children. Throughout history celebrating Christmas has always been important for nurses and their patients, from nurses in capes and candles singing Christmas carols in years gone by, through to the wonderful decorations made by nurses today.
Your Place
Rongoā Māori
The potential role in New Zealand medicine
Climate & Health
Melanoma Treatment
New Zealand's Advancements
The Modern Syringe
A New Zealand Invention
Latest & New
An Audio-Driving Tour of Medical History in Papakura
As part of the Auckland Heritage Festival 2024
Your Place
A Sanatorium With Sights and Sun
Te Waikato Sanatorium housed tuberculosis patients from 1903-1922
Our Stories
Maheno and Marama
Two First World War hospital ships
Maternal Health
The New Zealand Pioneer Who Changed Maternity Care
Mont Liggins: making one of the most important medical discoveries in New Zealand History
Your Health Future
An interview with Dr Patrick Alley
Saint Kentigern College student Emma Wang asks Dr Alley about his life and career
Sports Health
Mental health in sport in New Zealand
A narrative on openness since Sir John Kirwan spoke out.
Sports Health
Ngā Taonga Tākaro
Traditional Māori games.
Latest & New
Medical stories from Waikirikiri Selwyn District
Explore some of the medical stories from Waikirikiri Selwyn District.
Your Place
Medical stories from the Western Bay of Plenty
Explore some of the medical stories from the Western Bay of Plenty.
Your Place
Medical stories from Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga
Explore some of the medical stories from our earliest missions.
Sound & Vision
Auckland Medical History Society Founders' Lecture - Sir William Liley, the father of fetal medicine
A lecture presented as part of the Auckland Medical History Society's annual programme.
Your Place
Dannevirke's Gallery of History is true to its name
A small museum run by a great team which is a must-see the next time you're in Dannevirke.
Your Place
Ōpōtiki Museum (is actually two museums!)
A pair of museums that runs almost the length of a block of shops.
Sports Health
The Legacy of New Zealand's Health Camps: Sunshine for the Soul
An initiative prompted by the South African War.
Your Health Future
A Career in Pharmacy
The story of how Tim Walker chose a career in pharmacy and how he serves his Northland communities.
Latest & New
The medical kit of Captain Harding Leaf of the 28 (Māori) Battalion
Explore the contents of a first aid kit from the Second World War.
Our Pandemic
The double-edged sword of lockdown
A heartwarming account of an octogenarian's positive experience of Covid-19.
Our Pandemic
Blessing in disguise
Caring for her grandfather in lockdown turned out to be a blessing for Daizha Fidow-Savage.
Sound & Vision
A terrible time
Listen to the recollection of Eva Nobles, who was aged just 11 when Spanish Flu struck her community.
Epidemics Aotearoa
Being an outcast – my life as an essential worker
A student's part-time job led her to become an essential worker during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Epidemics Aotearoa
It’s cool to be tested
Exceptional student leadership brought unity to an Auckland community struck by Covid-19.
There is no place like home
Student Erin Kim used creativity to express their feelings of isolation during the 2020 Covid-19 lockdown.
Epidemics Aotearoa
My pandemic
An Aucklander returned to nursing to help vaccinate her island community.
Sound & Vision
All For A Medal: The Nursing Memoirs of Colleen Turbet Williams - Part 2: Charge Nurse
All For A Medal: The The Nursing Memoirs of Colleen Turbet Williams is a self-published book of memoirs from nurse Colleen Williams (1931-2024). The memoirs span the period of 1949-1953 and are read by her daughter Laura Horrocks. A new chapter will be published each week until the book is complete.
Sound & Vision
All For A Medal: The Nursing Memoirs of Colleen Turbet Williams - Part 1: Trainee Nurse
All For A Medal: The The Nursing Memoirs of Colleen Turbet Williams is a self-published book of memoirs from nurse Colleen Williams (1931-2024). The memoirs span the period of 1949-1953 and are read by her daughter Laura Horrocks. Part one is complete. Part two will be published weekly.
Sound & Vision
Memories of National Women's Hospital at Cornwall Park: Part Five - Incidents and Anecdotes
On 24 February 2024, Cornwall Park hosted a heritage day to commemorate the 39th General United States Army Hospital, National Women’s Hospital and Cornwall Geriatric Hospital which all found their homes on Cornwall Park in the 20th century. Our Health Journeys documented the experiences and reminisces of some of the hospital staff as part of the heritage day. Many of the staff recounted memories along the same themes and each part of this series presents one theme. Listen to the staff as they recount some of their experiences at the hospital here in part five.
Sound & Vision
Memories of National Women's Hospital at Cornwall Park: Part Four - Babies
On 24 February 2024, Cornwall Park hosted a heritage day to commemorate the 39th General United States Army Hospital, National Women’s Hospital and Cornwall Geriatric Hospital which all found their homes on Cornwall Park in the 20th century. Our Health Journeys documented the experiences and reminisces of some of the hospital staff as part of the heritage day. Many of the staff recounted memories along the same themes and each part of this series presents one theme. Listen to the staff as they recount some of their experiences with babies at the hospital here in part four.
Sound & Vision
Memories of National Women's Hospital at Cornwall Park: Part Three - Toileting
On 24 February 2024, Cornwall Park hosted a heritage day to commemorate the 39th General United States Army Hospital, National Women’s Hospital and Cornwall Geriatric Hospital which all found their homes on Cornwall Park in the 20th century. Our Health Journeys documented the experiences and reminisces of some of the hospital staff as part of the heritage day. Many of the staff recounted memories along the same themes and each part of this series presents one theme. Listen to the staff as they recount some of their experiences with perineal toileting and enemas at the hospital here in part three.
Sound & Vision
Memories of National Women's Hospital at Cornwall Park: Part Two - Facilities
On 24 February 2024, Cornwall Park hosted a heritage day to commemorate the 39th General United States Army Hospital, National Women’s Hospital and Cornwall Geriatric Hospital which all found their homes on Cornwall Park in the 20th century. Our Health Journeys documented the experiences and reminisces of some of the hospital staff as part of the heritage day. Many of the staff recounted memories along the same themes and each part of this series presents one theme. Listen to the staff as they recount some of their experiences with the facilities at the hospital here in part two.