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Dr David Becroft: Children’s Health Advocate
Dr David Becroft was an influential, and at times controversial, advocate for children’s health.
Reconstructing Lives
Crises, calamity, and the crucial role of Kiwi innovation: leading the world in the development of plastic surgery through the 20th Century.
Ettie Rout: Sexual Health Pioneer
Shunned in New Zealand during the First World War, Ettie Rout was celebrated in France for her work.
Brave Hearts
Heart Surgery in New Zealand: The Dramatic Evolution of a Lifesaving Specialty (Part 3)
The history of heart surgery in New Zealand (part 3).
Brave Hearts
Heart Surgery in New Zealand: The Dramatic Evolution of a Lifesaving Specialty (Part 2)
The history of heart surgery in New Zealand (part 2).
Brave Hearts
Heart Surgery in New Zealand: The Dramatic Evolution of a Lifesaving Specialty (Part 1)
The history of heart surgery in New Zealand (part 1).
Brave Hearts
A Pioneering Heart Surgeon
A groundbreaking kiwi cardiac surgeon began mending broken hearts by stopping them dead.
Brave Hearts
Heart-stopping moments
A groundbreaking kiwi cardiac team began mending broken hearts by stopping them dead.
Your Health Future
Combating measles in Samoa
Help and homecomings. A nurse's commitment to community helps save the lives of many. Could you do the same?
Dr. Kaye Ibbertson and Iodine Deficiency in the Himalayas
The Legacy of Dr. Kaye Ibbertson
AI Retinal Image Analysis
A window to effective detection of cardiovascular diseases
Maternal Health
The New Zealand Pioneer Who Changed Maternity Care
Mont Liggins: making one of the most important medical discoveries in New Zealand History
Harold Gillies
The Father of Modern Plastic Surgery
Sports Health
Mental health in sport in New Zealand
A narrative on openness since Sir John Kirwan spoke out.
Climate & Health
Future Now
Watch Simon Kofe speak about the creation of a digital Tuvalu in his keynote at Whanake\Evolve, National Digital Forum 2023.
Sound & Vision
Auckland Medical History Society Founders' Lecture - Sir William Liley, the father of fetal medicine
A lecture presented as part of the Auckland Medical History Society's annual programme.
Brave Hearts
Open heart surgery in MOTAT’s LOVE/SCIENCE
Explore the story of the first open heart surgery in Aotearoa New Zealand from MOTAT’s LOVE/SCIENCE exhibition.
Sound & Vision
Interview with Sir Brian Barratt-Boyes
An interview with Sir Brian Barratt Boyes – pioneer heart surgeon.
Epidemics Aotearoa
It’s cool to be tested
Exceptional student leadership brought unity to an Auckland community struck by Covid-19.
Telling Science
What is a virus and how does it work?
Do you know your viruses from your bacteria?