Colon cancer and courage: Dai Henwood

A new book is part memoir and part masterclass in finding hope and joy in the face of unthinkable challenges. This isn't a book about cancer, it's a book about living.

Colon cancer and courage: Dai Henwood
Dai in the snow with his family. Image used with permission from Dai Henwood and Harper Collins Publishers.

Dai Henwood has lived his life on the stage, and in the living rooms of our country. He is a great comedian and performer. Somehow, he can tune into the New Zealand vibe. When he discovered he had cancer he made a powerful decision to share his experience so others might learn from it; something consistent with his life on stage.

Written in collaboration with friend and colleague Jaquie Brown this book is a great sharing of his life. At the heart of his story is the all-too-common male avoidance of the signs, symptoms and indicators. This male investment in avoidance is part of our national psyche. The making light of the serious. Dai has kept us aware of what’s going on in the book, followed on with updates on social media, on stage and on television.

"Part memoir and part masterclass in finding hope and joy in the face of unthinkable challenges. This isn't a book about cancer, it's a book about living." – Jaquie Brown
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Dai performing at the Legendary Queenstown Winter Festival. Image used with permission from Dai Henwood and Harper Collins Publishers.

Colon cancer is the silent killer in New Zealand. Often as not there aren’t obvious symptoms. According to Bowel Cancer New Zealand, "Around 3,000 New Zealanders are diagnosed with bowel cancer each year. Approximately 1,200 Kiwis will lose their lives to the disease, as many as breast and prostate cancer combined."

I knew Dai had this cancer before he decided to share it with us all. We spotted him at the same surgeon’s waiting room that I was in.

Respecting his privacy we didn’t say to anyone we had noticed him there. Everyone deserves privacy when it comes to your health. He and I have had the same cancer journey, though his is the one on stage.

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The challenge of the diagnosis, the learning the scale of the issue, and the long journey of treatment. The impressive technology that defines the scope and extent of the cancer. The amazing meta evaluations drawn from many jurisdictions that can accurately predict the side effects and the probable outcomes. The amazing professionalism of the people who work in medicine. The care these people take with you as you journey through the uncertainty. These are all part of the cancer journey.

This book is a good read, it’s so personal and direct. The reality of the diagnosis and prognosis is lightened by the humour and the insights to his much-loved family.  There are great reflections back across his life and career. It creates a sense of calm that the process will take its course.  

Every one of us knows someone on these types of journeys. It’s not a morbid book; it’s one of courage, optimism, and good humour. A life shared.  

“The Life of Dai”, by Dai Henwood and Jaquie Brown, Harper Collins Publishers Aotearoa New Zealand, 2024.