Sports Health
Women in sport - a photographic exhibition
Exercise is an important component to health and Aotearoa New Zealand is well known as a sporting nation. Hundreds of thousands of people around the country take to the sports field, court, pool, velodrome, and many other arenas every week to participate in their chosen sport. However, these spaces were not always welcoming to women.
Explore an exhibition of women participating in our country's national pastime of sport through a selection of black and white photographs.
Curated by Caitlin Timmer-Arends, 2024
Click on the pink triangle below to explore the exhibition.
The exhibition has been curated from collections across the country and feature photographs from 1896-1985. Our Health Journeys would like to thank the following museums and organisations: Te Whare Taoka o Waitaki/Waitaki Museum & Archive, Coromandel Museum, MTG Hawke's Bay, Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga, Archives New Zealand, Hocken Collections Uare Taoka o Hākena, and Tairāwhiti Museum. A special thanks to the private lender of the final image, which comes from her personal collection.
Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua
I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on my past
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